Friday, February 26, 2010

OOPS!! DEC 2009, Jan 2010 and Feb 2010!

WOW! Time flies! I haven't posted in soooo long! I started working 2 extra days a week so that is 4 total now in October! I am still working 2 days downtown with Pitman family dental and now work 2 days for Dr. Sherrard in Multnomah village. So I find my x-tra time is spent with Cetta, keeping up on house work and getting errands done.

Cetta started daycare 4 days when I started working more. She is now at Growing with Pride just around the block. It has been much better for all of us! Lucetta enjoys learning new things and doing projects every day. She comes home very happy and sometimes exhausted from playing so hard.

Thanksgiving was a bust this year! Lucetta had the H1N1 flu that she passed to Todd. Luckily, Cetta already had her flu shots and one H1N1 of the series and had a very mild case. Fever for 4 days and seems like a bad chest cold. No vomit! Thank god! Todd was sick for about a week but took Tamiflu and got healthy much quicker. I was lucky and never got sick! Hand washing, bleaching toys and hand sanitizer did the trick.

for Christmas we went to Yakima for the weekend after we had our Christmas morning here! It was so much fun! I apologize the Christmas Photos are on Todds work computer so I can't post any!

New years was also a bust due to me being sick this time with a bad chest cold that lasted 3 weeks. I was in bed by like 8pm!

February is always Todds busy month with The Yard, Garden & Patio show the weekend of Valentines and the Spring Home and Garden show this weekend. Unfortunately, that doesn't pay him!!

We were able to take Cetta to Manzanita beach last weekend when we had the nice weather! It was in the 60's and we didn't even wear a jacket most of the time. We hung out on the beach, played in the sand and Thuja went for a much needed run! Then went to Cannon beach for lunch at Moes and headed home!

Hope life finds you all well here are a few photos of the last few months!

Mom and Cetta at beach!
Yeah! New sand toys from grandma patti!

This is what happens when daddy gives you a bath and puts you to bed! Rocker chic!

First steps on the beach!

1 year pic

Didn't really like Santa!

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